HNSCanada Node

Setting up a Handshake Full Node

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Setting up HNSCanada Handshake Node

First Steps

The first step is to get a Linux server with a cloud provider. In this case, I am using a 2 GB Linode VM with a 1 CPU Core and 50 GB Storage + an additional 100 GB volume for extra storage space

Once you get your VM, SSH into it an you need to git clone Handshake’s Deamon and Full node:

    git clone

Please follow the official install guide here:

Node Information

Our second step is to do the node synchronization, which takes almost an entire day (depending on your system configuration too). Be patient with this step, it takes a while.

    ./mnt/hnsvolume/hsd/bin/hsd --prefix /mnt/hnsvolume/.hsd

Please note that the node synchronization takes place on the volume mount, should not be done on the root of the virtual machine because it will exceed the 50 GB storage capacity.

Next, we need the full CLI call:

    ./mnt/hnsvolume/hsd/bin/hsd --prefix /mnt/hnsvolume/.hsd --listen --public-host <YOUR_VM_IP> --max-inbound 100 --bip37 true --rs-host --agent=<YOUR_AGENT_NAME> --wallet-migrate=2 --http-host= --wallet-http-host=


    :12038 # for regular inbound connections 
    :44806 # for P2P inbound connections (brontide)

Let it sync.

How to Create a Handshake HSD Daemon Service on Ubuntu 22.04

Create service file named hsd.service

    Description=Handshake HSD Service 
    ExecStart=/mnt/hnsvolume/hsd/bin/hsd --listen --public-host <YOUR_VM_IP> --max-inbound 100 --bip37 true --rs-host --agent=<YOUR_AGENT_NAME> --wallet-migrate=2 --http-host= --wallet-http-host=

Copy service file to path /etc/systemd/system/

    sudo cp /home/hsd.service /etc/systemd/system/hsd.service

Start service:

    sudo systemctl start hsd

Check status:

    sudo systemctl status hsd.service

HSD Service

Final Steps

Now, you need to generate a strong API Key. Please follow the instructions here.

    API Key ORTBE5yoRS6mJxi6NDwRQXnqmMiBLGFr (this is a fake key)

Time to set up the firewall


And, we are ready to use the API with our Full Node. Here is an example, calling the getnameresource attribute:

    curl -X POST --data '{ "method": "getnameresource", "params": ["'$name'"] }'

Where my points to the IP of the Linode VM

Results in:

    "result": {
        "records": [
            "type": "GLUE4",
            "ns": "ns1.hnscanada.",
            "address": ""
            "type": "NS",
            "ns": "ns1.hnscanada."
            "type": "GLUE4",
            "ns": "ns2.hnscanada.",
            "address": ""
            "type": "NS",
            "ns": "ns2.hnscanada."
    "error": null,
    "id": null

And this result is the begining of Hnswhois which will be another post. Stay tuned.

Montly Costs

The cost breakdown is as follows:

Yes, decentralization has a cost, nothing comes free.


Thank you to Nathan Woodburn for helping me set up the Firewall and fix my HSD CLI command which was not working before.