Traditional DNS vs. Handshake Protocol: A Security Showdown

Decentralization, Censorship Resistance, and the Future of Domain Name Systems

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Detailed Comparison of Traditional DNS Domains vs. Handshake Protocol Domains

Overview of Traditional DNS and Handshake Protocol Domains

Traditional DNS (Domain Name System)

Handshake Protocol (HNS)

Key Components: Traditional DNS vs Handshake DNS

Traditional DNS

Handshake DNS

Security Comparisons

Centralization (Traditional DNS) vs Decentralization (Handshake DNS)

Traditional DNS

Handshake DNS

Which is Safer? Handshake Protocol is considered safer in terms of censorship resistance, decentralization, and preventing unauthorized takeovers. No central entity can revoke or interfere with a domain once it is owned. In contrast, Traditional DNS remains vulnerable to domain seizures, hijacks, or censorship due to its centralized structure.

Protection Against DDoS Attacks

Traditional DNS

Handshake DNS

Which is Better in Terms of DDoS Protection? Handshake DNS is generally more resilient to large-scale DDoS attacks, given its decentralized structure and lack of a single point of failure. Traditional DNS providers, despite implementing strong anti-DDoS measures, remain inherently vulnerable due to their reliance on centralized servers.

Attack Surface and Vulnerabilities

Traditional DNS

Handshake DNS

Which is Safer? Handshake DNS is more secure in terms of preventing MITM attacks, DNS hijacking, and cache poisoning due to its cryptographic and decentralized structure. Traditional DNS, despite DNSSEC, remains vulnerable to various exploits like MITM attacks and cache poisoning.

Long-Term Security and Sustainability

Traditional DNS

Handshake DNS

Which is Better for Long-Term Security? Handshake DNS offers better long-term resilience to censorship and unauthorized interference due to its decentralized nature. However, the traditional DNS has a more mature infrastructure, which can better handle large-scale attacks and has more industry support.

Conclusion: Which is Safer and More Secure Against Attacks?

Overall Safety: Handshake DNS is safer in terms of censorship resistance, decentralization, and preventing unauthorized takeovers. Its blockchain-based, trustless environment offers a more secure way to manage domain ownership.

Protection Against DDoS Attacks: Handshake DNS has a structural advantage due to its decentralization. Traditional DNS, despite strong mitigation strategies, still presents centralized points that can be exploited in DDoS attacks. Handshake’s decentralized blockchain infrastructure makes it more resilient to such attacks.

Long-Term Security and Sustainability: Traditional DNS is more mature and widely adopted but suffers from centralized vulnerabilities. Handshake DNS offers long-term security


[1] The Root Server System
[2] Censorship-resistant TLDs are live on Media Network
[3] A crypto project to make internet names censorship-proof is now live
[4] DNS Amplification Attack