Introducing SuperLink: The Next-Gen Handshake Registrar

The King of Decentralized Usernames

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Would you like to own your truly decentralized digital identity? That’s now possible as a new company came out of a 3-year stealth mode to revolutionize the digital name industry. SuperLink Technologies, aka SuperLink, announced today their official registry launch.

Matt Winn, the CEO of SuperLink said on Twitter [3]:

It’s time to take back the Internet… so we just launched @Superlinkme

What: personal domains - your name, just your name. No .com, .eth, .xyz. One link for everything that matters in your digital world

The registry is based on the Handshake root zone protocol, and currently selling second level domains (SLDs) in the form of first_name.last_name for a one-time fee. The price of the SLD can be as low as $22.5 USD and go up to $999.99 for premium single letter names (like s.jones) [1]

Superlink Demo

The company announced on Twitter that they hold 1.2 million Handshake names [4], a whooping 1/10 of the total supply of all minted Handshake names (Note: at the time of this writing, there number of Handshake names reached ~10 Million). It is fair to assume that most of those names would be common first and last names in many languages such as .Smith and .Huang. According to a Twitter post by Jehan Chu [5], one of the co-founders of SuperLink, the company has already collected 45% of the world’s surnames.

The company sees online identity more than a simple domain name, but rather to look at it as a digital “package” or “bundle” including your universal address for websites, your universal username across sites, your personal email, and your wallet address. All of these traits define a person’s digital identity and the way we will interact online with others.

SuperLink is also exploring a partner program [1] in which other users could onboard the family names they own on the SuperLink platform and sell SLDs as an affiliate.

Mike Michelini (@michelini) of Skyinclude recently released a video giving a quick demo on how to register a name and a quick glimpse at the internal dashboard of Superlink:

With more names being added to the SuperLink platform on a rolling basis, soon everyone will be able to adopt their decentralized digital identity and link them all with SuperLink.


[1] SuperLink Website
[2] SuperLink Twitter Account
[3] Matt Winn Twitter Account
[4] SuperLink Twitter Post
[5] Jehan Chu Twitter Post